In the 1920s, The American Legion family raised more than $5 million to create the National Endowment Fund. One of the programs created through the Endowment Fund was Temporary Financial Assistance. Through grants, TFA keeps children of deceased or disabled veterans at home rather than in institutions. This cash aid is still available for cases not covered by subsequent state and federal programs for the needy. In 2010, the program provided more than $515,000 to 640 families, benefiting 1,408 children.
Through TFA, a local post can request cash assistance to help maintain the basic needs of veterans' children. The fund helps families meet the costs of shelter, food, utilities and health expenses when parents are unable, thereby keeping the child or children in a more stable home environment.
Who is eligible?
Eligibility is limited to minor children of veterans. The parent must have served at least one day of active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States during one the following periods:
Dec. 7, 1941-Dec. 31, 1946
June 25, 1950-Jan. 31, 1955
Feb. 28, 1961-May 7, 1975
August 24, 1982-July 31, 1984
Dec. 20, 1989-Jan. 31, 1990
Aug. 2, 1990-Cessation of hostilities as determined by the U.S. Government.